Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama, don't believe them!

Todays headlines claimed the Health Insurance industry had agreed to cut costs, in order to stave off President Obamas plan to fix Healthcare.

President Obama, beware of these thieves! They will promise everything, and provide nothing.

In December I purchased Health Insurance through Humana. I fell for their ads on TV. "Join Humana One, we have a low cost plan for everyone".

Well my plan wasn't exactly low cost. It also came with a hefty deductible of $7,500. This gave me basically nothing more than the promise, that if I became seriously ill, I would not be taken to the cleaners. Well today I got the news, my policy had been cancelled. The reason? I was supposedly diagnosed by my doctor with a undisclosed "pre-existing condition". I was requested to provide Humana with a detailed account of every doctor I saw, and every diagnosis and procedure that had been provided to me in the past five years! I told them, I had filled out the required forms at the time I applied. I had no further information I could provide them. They once again informed me that this was required, as well as proving that I had continuous coverage prior to applying. Likewise, I told them they knew damned well that I had not had coverage for two years prior. This was the reason I had applied to them in the first place. So today I was told, "Your policy has been cancelled, according to your request". No I did not wish to cancel my plan, only to get an explanation of why after six months, I was being denied coverage.

We need a government run Healthcare System now! These thieves will take peoples money, but deny them coverage when they are ill. The Republicans try to say socialized medicine is a failure. Tell that to the rest of the industrialized nations, that have such systems. For those rich enough to choose their doctors and hospitals, that option is still available everywhere, not just here in the good ole US of A.
Congress has a government run system, and I have never heard one of them complain about it. NOT EVEN REPUBLICANS! The idea that a government system would not work is pure manure! Yes, Medicare has problems. However those problems arise because of our "for profit" medical care system, not Medicare itself. Doctors and Hospitals overcharge because they know Medicare will pay it. They order unnecessary tests and procedures, knowing Medicare will pay for it. Now the "for profit" insurance companies are the opposite. They deny benefits for any reason they see fit. Even for necessary procedures. Is this really the kind of system we want. I don't think so. Wake up people! Demand a single payer system now. Stop listening to people who throw out that tired word "Socialism" like it is something evil. Does anyone in the US actually know what it means? I think not!

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