Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where was I?

Well, a bit of time has transpired since I last posted anything here. Not that anyone reads this thing anyway!

I however feel I need to do some venting. So here goes. I was on DIGG for awhile, however after getting at least one hundred "Shouts" each day, I finally decided to call it quits. Just as I was burned out by the Presidential Campaign, DIGG finally did me in. Between attacks on Obama calling him everything from Obamamessiah, to the Antichrist I could bear no more. Then came Israels attack on Gaza. I am sorry if I seem like an Anti-Semite but, I have my opinions and they are mine. I make no aplogies to anyone.
Israel attacked tiny Gaza with all the weaponry it had at it's hands. Gaza on the other side, lobbed toy rockets at Israel. While this can be annoying, and occaisonally did kill innocent people. It can no way be compared, to the death and destruction Israel has infilicted supposedly in retaliation. It is sad, that the USA has not joined the rest of the world in conmdemning Israel!

Other than all of that raising my blood pressure, I have to deal with the deteriorating mental state of my Mom. She is starting to have memory lapses, many of which lead to tension between the two of us. She has what I like to call, "selective memory". In other words, she remembers certain things, and words but not everything. She will claim that sometimes I or someone else has said something we did not. She will often pick words out of a Newscast, and then manufacture her own version of what she heard. This can get very frustrating.
She is my Mom, and I love her dearly. However, she seems to be slowly drifting away. When we watch tv, she often doses off to sleep. When she suddenly awakens, I tell her "Mom you were sleeping for the last fifteen minutes". She will always argue that " I was not, I was wide awake". She will then ask why the program she was watching makes no sense, and is almost over. I try to explain that she had slept through it, but it's no use. Then she gets angry at me. I am frustrated, I don't know just how to deal with it. Well, there I got a lot off my chest. Maybe in another month, I will post more or maybe not.

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