Saturday, December 6, 2008

I've been in Seclusion!

However, today I was driven out of hibernation! I made the great mistake of reading our local Right Wing Rag the Suncoast News. In it, was a letter from the wife of the head of the Republican Party in Pasco County, Anne Bunting.
She took issue with a letter someone had written denouncing the passage of Florida's Amendment 2, which defines marriage as ONLY between a MAN and WOMAN. She defended the amendment, saying it takes away nobody's right to "co-habit if they choose to do so".
Well yes, it does not take that right away. Heck, Florida just recently made it legal to co-habit ( or did they? ) She claimed that those who did not agree with the majority such as her, were ill informed and wrong.
Well, Mrs Bunting all I can say is this: YOU ARE FULL OF IT!

When you make it part of the State Constitution, that no relationship other than that of a Married Man and Woman is recognized, you take away any rights to shared property, or visitation as well. These are rights that come along with "Marriage"! If you take away the right to marriage to same sex couples, you legally take away their rights to these other rights as well. Please let Mrs Bunting know how you feel about this issue. She is also on the HOA board of Beacon Woods, where a man was recently jailed for not re-sodding his lawn!
She has a blog under Beacon Woods Truth. She somehow feels she is the voice of Beacon Woods, I have news for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another point the idiot religious conservatives miss that could be a serious issue is that domestic partners are no longer recognised. The disclosure laws for politicians in Florida do not include friends living with them. So politicians can now be influenced by giving gifts and favours to their domestic partners and the gift giver would not be breaking the disclosure laws. Who has the most influence on a politician, his or her partner.