Monday, November 17, 2008

Where did the Weekend Go?

And still waiting for the pool guy!

Why is it, people expect you to hang around indefinitely, waiting for their service visit? The phone company does this, the cable company, and now the pool guys! Heck, I'm glad I'm retired! If I was working, I would have lost many work days by now waiting for people to come, who never show!

Well, the weekend was a washout. It rained briefly on Saturday, and then turned cold. Well, cold that is for Florida. Today it is supposed to go no higher than the low sixties. Sort of nice weather for getting things done outside. I'm not one of those people who moved here for the weather. I honestly can't stand the warm months here, it's just too damned hot and muggy. This cool weather is much nicer, if you ask me. If only it wouldn't change so suddenly. What I like to call yo-yo weather.

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