Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Kinder Gentler America?

Well, we will have to wait and see. We are one day into, a new era. Hopefully it will be one of peace and happiness.
I always read what the "ENEMY" (as I like to call those who disagree with me politically),has to say. Can you say, RUN ON SENTENCE!
What can I say, I must be just a bit masochistic. Joking aside, I read what those on the other side have to say. Most of the time, I disagree vehemently. Occasionally I agree, for some bizarre reason.

In any event, I will do my research and keep you posted. If I see something I very much do not like, I will post it on DIGG or Facebook! I will continue to use both venues to share my important issues. However I plan on keeping this, as another mundane window, into my normally boring life.

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